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Samwise Reminders Vol. 2

|Strength, Beauty, Power |

Calendar 2019-featuring Samwise

' Samwise Reminders ' was all about connecting to 'Compassion' as you begin the journey.
' Samwise Reminders Vol. 2 ' was about using that compassion to start diving into themes of ' Strength', 'Beauty' and 'Power' that exists in and around us.

on featuring it in a Calendar 
Calendars are basically visual reminders of where we are currently placed in time, by narrowing it down to a specific date|day|month|year. And so its about allowing Samwise to serve as a visual guide as you navigate the themes based on where you find yourself on that particular day|date, month.
Please Note: All the artworks below are copyrighted, and cannot be replicated without consent of the artist.

Every month had a gentle reminder and a message. These messages were just some reflections and notes to self that I jotted down, based on whatever I came across at that particular point in time and something that I've had more time to reflect upon now. I share it as an artist, as someone who was trying to put it into practice and at the same time as questions for each of us to reflect upon and understand what it means individually.

Disclaimer: None of these are a substitute or a claim for any professional help (i.e. mental, emotional, physical or otherwise) that you seek. An additional note to consider is that these messages do not take into account the nuances, complexities and context as individuals and in relation to the systems and cultures we exist in. So as you go through it know that very often it is not so simple as I have worded it here.

Here's a quote as you get started,
'Life is a journey ,not a Destination ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson'

Have a look at them below

January often brings with it all the promises of 'NEW BEGINNINGS' . Setting a goal just for a year and not following through can be so hard. What if we could set intentions instead, like an intention of growth from this day forward. And while we may find many people out there suggesting 'Start today, Start now, any minute of any given day can be your new beginning', Perhaps like another post that I came across recently it doesn't have to be a brand new one, it could be a continuation of something you set awhile ago and would like to pick up again.

As we move into February, we're reminded of the goals/ intentions that we made at the beginning of the year and are falling back upon. So here's a reminder to continuously TAKE ONE STEP AT A TIME, make it a practice and stay on track. Somedays that may mean taking a step to rest in between as well. So always remember to go at your own pace, not everything has to have a set timeline now does it?

March is your reminder to 'EXPLORE'. In the grander scheme of things there's so much to keep exploring and learning about life, it's never ending. But let's also come down to the little things, those that matter to us individually, explore and improve upon a quality, skill, activity or anything that will help you evolve and grow as a person. What would that look like to you?

Not everybody will always like you or share the same interests, and beliefs as you, but it doesn't mean that you should change yourself. So here's your April reminder to be compassionate, 'BE YOURSELF', stay true to yourself and you'll be much more happier. Afterall the people who truly matter or care would try to find ways to understand and support you in your growth, no?

Sometimes people can be not so nice to us, but if you treat them the same way, there would probably be no difference between you and them. So like the saying 'Sprinkle kindness around like confetti', remember to 'BE KIND' and caring in July. And sometimes that is 'BEING KIND' to yourself first, it's learning to recognize and walk away from situations that are unhealthy when you can.

May is known as Mental Health Awareness month. If you're lost or struggling to get by, breathe through it, find ways to tend to your needs and stop being so hard on yourself. It is important for you to believe in yourself just as much as anyone else does. So here's a little reminder to never forget 'YOU GOT THIS', seek out any help if you need to and keep moving forward.

Learning never truly stops. If you look at it from a growth perspective even the smallest person/ thing/culture in life can teach you something you never knew. So be more open-minded, aspire to be better and 'ALWAYS KEEP LEARNING' in August.

June is here, and we're halfway through the year already. If it's been too difficult, 'HANG IN THERE', things can change at any given moment if you decide to start working on it, nothing is permanent. A motivational quote that I often came across and heard about is that six months of hardcore focus and alignment can put you five years ahead. That being said being patient with yourself is equally important.

Oftentimes the environment/ surroundings we live in are not best suited to help us grow. And at times they can be limitations that we set on ourselves. So like the sayings 'Things are what you make of them~ Adam J. Kurtz' and 'Bloom, where you are planted~ Anonymous', come September learn to 'BLOOM'. It will be one of the hardest things to do atleast initially, but do the best with what you can at the moment. We all deserve to grow and take up space.

Staying focused and working hard is important, but so is rest. If you ever hit a setback, learn to ride it out because eventually, you'll be able to get back on track. So like the saying 'If you get tired, learn to rest not to quit~ Banksy' here's the October reminder 'REST, when you have to'.


As we head into November we may have fallen back upon our old ways/patterns. At these times it's important for you to anchor (Ground) yourself. 'REMEMBER WHY YOU STARTED', look back upon the intentions you set and how far you did come, forgive yourself if you need to for going back to your old ways and start again when you are ready.

Finally here comes December, 'YOU'VE MADE IT THROUGH ANOTHER YEAR'. So don't stop now, take stock of the lessons you've had to learn, make changes or adjustments where required if you have to but 'KEEP GOING'.

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