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Social Anxiety

Personal Work | Art-School Project

'Awareness' and 'Acknowledgement' is key to help in breaking the stigma around mental health ,and taking steps towards wellness. If you or anyone you know is struggling with mental illness, support, reach out, encourage them to seek help. Let's help destroy the stigma around mental health.


(Fact Source:, , mood juice)

This project in particular talks about Social Anxiety (formerly known as Social Phobia).

Social Anxiety Disorder is the third largest mental health care problem in the world.

A term used to describe a high level of shyness. It is characterized by intense fear of social, performance and everyday situations involving other people. It often has a debilitating effect on the lives of those experiencing it, to the point of them avoiding such interactions altogether. The person experiencing it often worries about the way they act and how that will be perceived by others in a negative light. 

( Read up more about it on


This artwork is my personal interpretation and acknowledgment of my experience , each element in it represents one particular aspect experienced due to anxiety like 

Spirals for the constant state of worry, over-thinking, over analyzing; 

Staples forming a stitched mouth for the inability to speak up due to fear of judgement and embarrassment; and

Aluminum foil forming bars representing that debilitating feeling of being trapped by one's own mind.

Social Anxiety-art
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